Save monthly at attractive conditions.
With the KT participation account you participate in the profits generated and thus benefit from the highest returns that can currently be earned in the fixed deposit sector.*
A home for
your business.
Whether classic commercial property or logistics property: Entrepreneurs, business customers or other tradespeople often need to acquire a commercial property. This can involve the purchase of an existing property or a modernisation. Financing a commercial property can be very diverse, but often serves to optimise the business assets in the long term or helps to create and maintain wealth.

Long-term security for your business operations.
KT Investment Financing creates the basis for larger business investments such as the acquisition of vehicle fleets, plant and machinery. After reviewing your application, we give you approval to purchase the desired capital goods in our name. Payment is made directly from us to the seller.
Financial freedom for
short-term operating expenses.
KT Working Capital Financing provides the basis for short-term financing of your current assets – raw materials, consumables and supplies, and products, goods, inventories and products for consumption, sale and processing.
For work contracts
without risk.
As an alternative to our financing lines, we also offer you KT Works Financing.
Works financing for business customers is short- to long-term financing for businesses that can be used to pay for goods and services in connection with contracts for work and services (section 631 German Civil Code et seq.).
Foreign purchases without obstacles.
Our services for internationally operating companies in the areas of purchasing, production and sales offer our customers a wide range of solutions and the greatest possible flexibility for import financing.
KT Import Financing for business customers is a short- to medium-term financing offer for companies that can be used to pay for goods and commodities from abroad. This includes, for example, vehicles, machinery and equipment as well as other goods. Payment is made directly from us to the seller. We offer various, flexible terms, taking your company’s liquidity planning into account.