Private Accident Insurance
Not in general. A death benefit (analogous to the other selectable modules daily hospital allowance, daily allowance, etc.) can be concluded. In this case, the named heirs receive the selected sum in the event of the death of the insured person.
Yes, vaccination damage (in general) is also insured.
Yes, also cosmetic surgery (including dental treatment) that is necessary due to an insured accident is also covered.
The amount of the insurance benefit depends on the selected disability sum as well as the agreed progression. In addition, the sum you receive in the event of an accident depends on your degree of disability.
Yes, insurance cover exists worldwide and around the clock.
In principle, an insured accident occurs when the insured person involuntarily suffers a health impairment as a result of a sudden external event (accident event). In addition, we also provide benefits for other involuntary health impairments such as certain poisonings, frostbite or damage caused by increased exertion and accidents as a result of certain disorders of consciousness. These are only examples. You can find the exact scope of benefits in the conditions.