KT Bank AG
Platz der Einheit 2
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Your contact for questions to the company:
Tel.: 069 255 10 200
Fax: 069 255 10 299
E-Mail: [email protected]
Authorized Representatives/Board:
Ahmet Kudsi Arslan (Chairman), Klaus Heimann
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Ufuk Uyan (Chairman), Dr. Ruşen Ahmet Albayrak (Member), İrfan Yılmaz (Member), Hüseyin Cevdet Yilmaz (Member), Dirk Auerbach (Member)
Registration Court:
Local Court Frankfurt am Main Commercial register number: HRB 101838
VAT Registration Number:
DE – 815 552 620
Competent supervisory authorities:
European Central Bank
Sonnemannstraße 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main (www.ecb.europa.eu)
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority Str. 108
53117 Bonn
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28
60439 Frankfurt (www.bafin.de)
Suggestions and complaints:
KT Bank AG is fully committed to serve its customers and thus takes suggestions and complaints regarding its services very seriously. In case of a complaint, KT Bank aims to generate a mutually acceptable solution and to avoid long and costly litigations. Do you have a customer complaint about KT Bank? Then we would like to point out the following procedures:
KT Bank AG is willing to participate dispute settlement procedures at a customer arbitration board. For the settlement of disputes, you have the possibility to contact the Arbitration Boards at Deutsche Bundesbank or at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
Arbitration Board at Deutsche Bundesbank
Taunusanlage 5
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Postfach 11 12 32
60047 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 2388-1907
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.bundesbank.de/
BaFin Arbitration Board
Referat ZR 3
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn
Tel.: +49(0)228-4108-0
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.bafin.de/schlichtungsstelle
Since 09 January 2016, the EU Regulation No. 524/2013, which governs the online dispute resolution between consumers and traders, is applicable. According to this regulation, disputes concerning online sales and service contracts concluded between consumers and traders can be resolved out-of-court via the EU Commission’s online dispute resolution (ODR) platform, available at the following website: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
Please note: According to the EU Commission, the ODR platform is operational as of 15 February 2016. Our email address is: [email protected]