Vous trouverez ici tous les formulaires dont vous avez besoin pour demander l’un de nos produits bancaires. Il suffit de les télécharger et de suivre les instructions pour pouvoir profiter bientôt des avantages de notre offre de services.
- Compensation report for the 2021 financial year
- Compensation report for the 2020 financial year
- Compensation report for the 2019 financial year
- Compensation report for the 2018 financial year
- Compensation report for the 2017 financial year
- Compensation report for the 2016 financial year
- Compensation report for the 2015 financial year
- Privacy Policy for Customers
- Conditions spéciales du compte d'épargne
- Conditions of remote data transmission
- Conditions for Online-Banking
- Conditions for the Participation Account
- Conditions of Direct Debit
- Information sheet for depositors
- Conditions for foreign currency accounts
- General information account switching help according to §21 ZKG
- Special Terms and Conditions for the Jetzz Card with Drawdown Limit (for Business Customers)
- Special terms and conditions for the Jetzz Card with a drawing limit (for private customers)
- Conditions for Debit Mastercard
- Conditions for Maestro Card
- Conditions for payments by direct debit
- Special conditions for Gold account
- Conditions for payment transactions
- Pre-contractual information for distance contracts
- General terms and conditions
- Conditions of SEPA Direct Debit (Company)
- Conditions d'utilisation du dépôt fixe
- Application Car Financing
- Application Business Account (corporate costumer)
- Application Real Estate Financing Turkey
- Application Real Estate Financing
- Application online banking
- Application Cards Corporate Customers
- Application Cards Retail Customers
- Card application Jetzz Card (corporate customers)
- Card application Jetzz Card (retail customers)
- Application Participation Account (minors)
- Application Participation Account (Joint account)
- Application Participation Account
- Application Basic Account opening
- Application Current Account opening (minors)
- Application Saving Account
- Application Current Account (retail customers)
- Application Saving Account
- Application Fixed-Term Deposit Account (corporate customers)
- Consumer Financing
- Application Gold Account (retail customers)
- PostIdent
- Name change
- Account closure
- Exemption order
- Standing order set-up, change, or cancellation
- EU account switching assistance (cross-border)
- Checklist for account change service
- Change my bank account
- Change of address
- Gold extradition request
- Contrat de Base Clientèle
- Customer order
- Revocation of power of attorney
- Power of attorney